  • The user interface will generally be created with either PHP pages, * which will not themselves contain any business logic. These pages represent * the "view" component of an MVC architecture.
  • *
  • Forms and hyperlinks in the user interface that require business logic * to be executed will be submitted to a request URI that is mapped to the * ActionController. The ActionController receives and processes all requests * that change the state of a user's interaction with the application. This * component represents the "controller" component of an MVC architecture.
  • *
  • The ActionController will select and invoke an Action class to perform * the requested business logic.
  • *
  • The Action classes will manipulate the state of the application's * interaction with the user, typically by creating or modifying classes that * are stored as session attributes. Such classes represent the "model" * component of an MVC architecture.
  • *
  • Instead of producing the next page of the user interface directly, * Action classes will forward control to an appropriate PHP page to produce * the next page of the user interface.
  • * * The standard version of ActionController implements the following logic for * each incoming HTTP request. You can override some or all of this * functionality by subclassing this class and implementing your own version of * the processing. * * * The standard version of ActionController is configured based on the * following initialization parameters, which you will specify in the options * for your application. Subclasses that specialize this ActionController are * free to define additional initialization parameters. * * * @author Arnold Cano * @version $Id: ActionController.php,v 1.28 2010-02-23 15:51:59 gaspar Exp $ * @package Phrame * @link http://phrame.sourceforge.net/docs/guide/guide.php Documentation. * @link http://phrame.sourceforge.net/docs/guide/controller.php Documentation. */ class ActionController extends Object { /** * @access protected * @var array Array: [ _CACHE => bool, _ERROR_HANDLER => int, _ERROR_HANDLER => string ] */ protected $_options; /** * @access protected * @var HashMap */ protected $_actionMappings; /** * @access protected * @var HashMap */ protected $_actions; /** * @access protected * @var string (comunicación) */ protected $_communication; /** * Create a ActionController specifying the options. * * @access public * @param array $options Array: [ _CACHE => bool, _ERROR_HANDLER => int, _ERROR_HANDLER => string ] */ public function __construct( $options ) { if (!is_array($options)) { trigger_error('Invalid options file'); return; } $this->_options = $options; //initialize cache $this->_actionMappings = new HashMap(); $this->_actions = new HashMap(); } //Fin de constructor /** * Process the request. * * @access public * @param string[] $mappings Array: [ _ACTION_MAPPINGS => [name => [_TYPE => string, _INPUT => string, _ACTION_FORWARDS => [[ _PATH => string, _REDIRECT => bool], ...]], ...] ] * @param array $request */ public function process( $mappings, $request ) { if (!is_array($mappings)) { trigger_error('Invalid mappings file'); return; } if (!is_array($request)) { trigger_error('Invalid request'); return; } //error_reporting($this->_options[_ERROR_REPORTING]); $actionMapping = $this->_processMapping($mappings, $request); //Creamos el ActionForm (un Hasmap sobre el request) $actionForm = new HashMap($request); $actionForward = $this->_processAction($actionMapping, $actionForm); $path = $actionForward->getPath(); if(strpos($path, 'phrame.php')!==false)//Si estamos pasando por phrame { //La segunda vuelta de los saltos modales (ida y vuelta) se hace desde el Jquery ya que se lanzan desde el showDialog if (isset($actionForward->_saco['IGEPaccionDestinoSalto']) OR isset($actionForward->_saco['IGEPSaltoDestinoVuelta'])) //Estamos en un salto, procesamos el destino { $path = isset($actionForward->_saco['IGEPaccionDestinoSalto'])?$actionForward->_saco['IGEPaccionDestinoSalto']:$actionForward->_saco['IGEPSaltoDestinoVuelta']; $actionForward->setPath($path); } //En otros casos, no llegamos a Jquery. Es el caso de un mappings que apunte a phrame else { header('Location: '.$path); die; } } if (is_object($actionForward)) { $this->_processForward($actionForward); } } //Fin de process /** * Identify and return an appropriate ActionMapping. * * @access protected * @param string[] $mappings Array: [ _ACTION_MAPPINGS => [name => [_TYPE => string, _INPUT => string, _ACTION_FORWARDS => [[ _PATH => string, _REDIRECT => bool], ...]], ...] ] * @param array $request * @return ActionMapping */ protected function _processMapping( $mappings, $request ) { $name = $request[_ACTION]; $mapping = $mappings[_ACTION_MAPPINGS][$name]; $actionMapping = $this->_actionMappings->get($name); if (!is_object($actionMapping)) { $actionMapping = new ActionMapping($name, $mapping); if ($this->_options[_CACHE]) { $this->_actionMappings->put($name, $actionMapping); } } return $actionMapping; } //Fin de _processMapping /** * Ask the specified Action instance to handle this request. * * @access protected * @param ActionMapping $actionMapping * @param HashMap $actionForm ActionForm. * @return ActionForward */ protected function _processAction( $actionMapping, $actionForm ) { $name = $actionMapping->getName(); $type = $actionMapping->getType(); $action = $this->_actions->get($name); if (!is_object($action)) { //Si la clase no existe marcamos el error. if (!class_exists($type)) { $name = htmlentities($name, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8'); $type = htmlentities($type, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8'); if($type=='' AND $name=='') { IgepDebug::setDebug(ERROR,'Se ha producido un error al intentar ejecutar una clase vacía y una acción vacía.'); } elseif($type=='') { IgepDebug::setDebug(ERROR,'Se ha intentado ejecutar la acción \''.$name.'\' y no está programada para la clase actual. Compruebe el fichero de la clase y el mappings.php de su aplicación.'); } else { IgepDebug::setDebug(ERROR,'Se ha producido un error intentado ejecutar la acción \''.$name.'\' de la clase \''.$type.'\'. Compruebe el nombre de la clase y su accesibilidad (fichero include.php).'); } die('ACCESO NO PERMITIDO: Se ha intentado ejecutar una acción \''.$name.'\' no programada.'); return; } //Guardamos la referencia del modulo si es la primera pantalla del modulo a la que accedemos. if(isset($_REQUEST['modActv'])){ IgepSession::guardaVariable('global','modActv',$_REQUEST['modActv']); //Borramos el contenido de los paneles anteriores IgepSession::_borrarPanelesVisitados(); //Borramos el contenido del salto IgepSession::borraSalto(); $this->_communication = 'request'; } else { $this->_communication = 'json'; } //Si el panel ya existe lo recuperamos de la Session if(IgepSession::existePanel($type)&&(strpos($type,'gvHidraForm')===false)) { $action = IgepSession::damePanel($type); if(method_exists($action,'regenerarInstancia')) { $action->regenerarInstancia(''); } else{ IgepSession::borraPanel($type); IgepDebug::setDebug(PANIC,'Error al recuperar la instancia de '.$type.'. Puede deberse a un error en el constructor. Se crea una nueva instancia.'); $action = new $type(); } } else { /* if($type!='gvHidraDebugger') { IgepDebug::setDebug(DEBUG_IGEP,'Creamos una instancia de la clase '.$type); } */ $action = new $type(); } if ($this->_options[_CACHE]) { $this->_actions->put($name, $action); } } if(is_callable($this->_options[_ERROR_HANDLER])) set_error_handler($this->_options[_ERROR_HANDLER]); if(!$action->obj_errorNegocio->hayError()) { $actionForward = $action->perform($actionMapping, $actionForm); $miPath = $actionForward->getPath(); $claseM = $actionForward->get('IGEPclaseManejadora'); if(empty($claseM)) { $actionForward->put('IGEPclaseManejadora',$type); } if($action->isModal()) { $this->_communication='json'; if(!$action->getCloseModalWindow()) { if($type=='IgepAccionesGenericas') { //Para los saltos dentro de una ventana modal $idpath = isset($actionForward->_saco['IGEPaccionDestinoSalto'])?'IGEPaccionDestinoSalto':'IGEPSaltoDestinoVuelta'; $path = isset($actionForward->_saco['IGEPaccionDestinoSalto'])?$actionForward->_saco['IGEPaccionDestinoSalto']:$actionForward->_saco['IGEPSaltoDestinoVuelta']; $idModal = $actionForward->get('IGEPmodalID'); $claseManejadora = $actionForward->get('IGEPclaseManejadora'); } $actionForward = new ActionForward('gvHidraJDialog'); if($type=='IgepAccionesGenericas') { $actionForward->_saco[$idpath] = $path; $actionForward->_saco['IGEPmodalID'] = $idModal; $actionForward->_saco['IGEPclaseManejadora'] = $claseManejadora; } else { $actionForward->put('IGEPclaseManejadora',$type); } } else { //Cuando cerramos la ventana modal tenemos que ver que tiene URL de vuelta //Recuperamos el id de la ventana $idModal = $actionForward->get('IGEPmodalID'); $actionForward = new ActionForward('gvHidraCloseJDialog'); $returnPath = $actionForward->get('IGEPSaltoDestinoVuelta'); $actionForward->_saco['IGEPmodalID']=$idModal; if(empty($returnPath)) { $salto = IgepSession::dameSalto(); if(is_object($salto)) { // REVIEW: VERO Clase manejadora para identificar la Ventana Modal $actionForward->put('IGEPclaseManejadora',$salto->getClaseDestino()); $pathAux = $salto->getDestinoVuelta(); $actionForward->put('IGEPSaltoDestinoVuelta',$pathAux); } } $action->setCloseModalWindow(false); } $actionForward->setPath($miPath); } //Si es un gvHidraNoAction, cargamos la clase manejadora if($actionForward->getName()=='gvHidraReload') { //Cargamos la ruta actual desde el views. $posicionIndice = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],"index.php?view="); if($posicionIndice!==false AND $posicionIndice>0) $actionForward->setPath(substr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],$posicionIndice)); } } else { $action->obj_errorNegocio->limpiarError(); unset($action); $actionForward = new ActionForward('IgepInicioAplicacion'); $actionForward->_path = 'index.php?view=igep/views/aplicacion.php'; //Borramos cualquier referencia a la clase en la SESSION IgepSession::borraPanel($type); } if(is_callable($this->_options[_ERROR_HANDLER])) restore_error_handler(); return $actionForward; } // Fin de _processAction /** * Forward to the specified destination. * * @access protected * @param ActionForward $actionForward */ protected function _processForward( $actionForward ) { $salto =''; $actionForwardName = $actionForward->getName(); $claseManejadora = $actionForward->get('IGEPclaseManejadora'); switch($actionForwardName) { case 'gvHidraNoAction': $path=''; $salto = "Location: index.php?view=igep/views/igep_regenerarVentana.php&IGEPpath=$path&IGEPclaseManejadora=$claseManejadora"; break; case 'IgepOperacionOculto': $path = $actionForward->getPath(); $salto = "Location: $path"; break; case 'IgepSaltoVentana': //Salto no modal $path = $actionForward->get('IGEPaccionDestinoSalto'); $salto = "Location: $path"; $actionForwardName = 'gvHidraLoad'; //header($salto);die; break; case 'IgepSaltoVentanaModal': //Salto modal $path = $actionForward->get('IGEPaccionDestinoSalto'); $salto = "Location: $path"; break; case 'IgepVentanaSeleccion': $path = $actionForward->getPath(); $salto = "Location: $path"; break; default: $path = $actionForward->getPath(); //REVIEW: Toni PHRAME /* La variable clase Manejadora no está definida, por tanto se podrá eliminar. */ //$claseManejadora =''; //$salto ="Location: index.php?view=igep/views/igep_regenerarVentana.php&IGEPpath=$path&IGEPclaseManejadora=$claseManejadora"; $salto = "Location: $path"; } if ($claseManejadora != 'gvHidraDebugger') { IgepDebug::setDebug(PANIC, "
    actionForwardName:  ".print_r($actionForwardName,true)."  claseManejadora:  ".print_r($claseManejadora,true)."
    "); } if($this->_communication=='json') { switch($actionForwardName) { case 'gvHidraNoAction': $objeto = IgepSession::damePanel($claseManejadora); $jsLoadScript = ''; //Recuperamos mensaje if(IgepSession::existeMensaje($claseManejadora)) { $mensaje = IgepSession::dameMensaje($claseManejadora); $jsLoadScript .= gvHidraUTF8::toUTF8(IgepSmarty::getJsMensaje($mensaje)); IgepSession::borraMensaje($claseManejadora); }; //Recuperamos scripts if(isset($objeto->obj_IgSmarty) and is_object($objeto->obj_IgSmarty)) { $jsLoadScript .= $objeto->obj_IgSmarty->getScriptLoad(false); } $params = array ( 'path' => '', 'context' => array( 'targetType' => 'self', 'action' => 'NoAction', 'script' => "$jsLoadScript" ) ); $response = json_encode($params, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); print($response);die; break; case 'IgepVentanaSeleccion': $width = $actionForward->get('IGEPmodalWidth'); $height = $actionForward->get('IGEPmodalHeight'); $idWS = "WS_".$claseManejadora; $idWS = "WS"; $params = array ( 'path'=>rawUrlEncode($path), 'context' => array( 'targetType' => 'JDialog', 'action' => 'gvHidraOpenJDialog', 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'idVentana' => $idWS ) ); $response = json_encode($params, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); print($response);die; break; case 'gvHidraJDialog': case 'IgepSaltoVentanaModal': $objeto = IgepSession::damePanel($claseManejadora); $jsLoadScript = ''; //Recuperamos mensaje if(IgepSession::existeMensaje($claseManejadora)) { $mensaje = IgepSession::dameMensaje($claseManejadora); $jsLoadScript .= gvHidraUTF8::toUTF8(IgepSmarty::getJsMensaje($mensaje)); IgepSession::borraMensaje($claseManejadora); }; //Recuperamos scripts if(isset($objeto->obj_IgSmarty) and is_object($objeto->obj_IgSmarty)) { $jsLoadScript .= $objeto->obj_IgSmarty->getScriptLoad(false); } $width = $actionForward->get('IGEPmodalWidth'); $height = $actionForward->get('IGEPmodalHeight'); $returnPath = $actionForward->get('IGEPaccionDestinoVueltaSalto'); // No vale pq siempre viene IgepAccionesGenericas $idModal = $actionForward->get('IGEPmodalID'); if (empty($idModal) || $idModal == 'WM') { $idModal = 'WM_'.$claseManejadora; } $params = array ( 'path'=>rawUrlEncode($path), 'context' => array( 'targetType' => 'JDialog', 'action' => 'gvHidraOpenJDialog', 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'idVentana' => $idModal, 'returnPath' => $returnPath, 'script' => "$jsLoadScript" ) ); $response = json_encode($params, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); print($response);die; break; case 'gvHidraCloseJDialog': $objeto = IgepSession::damePanel($claseManejadora); $jsLoadScript = ''; //Recuperamos mensaje if(IgepSession::existeMensaje($claseManejadora)) { $mensaje = IgepSession::dameMensaje($claseManejadora); $jsLoadScript .= gvHidraUTF8::toUTF8(IgepSmarty::getJsMensaje($mensaje)); IgepSession::borraMensaje($claseManejadora); }; //Recuperamos scripts if(isset($objeto->obj_IgSmarty) and is_object($objeto->obj_IgSmarty)) { $jsLoadScript .= $objeto->obj_IgSmarty->getScriptLoad(false); } $returnPath = $actionForward->get('IGEPSaltoDestinoVuelta'); $idModal = $actionForward->get('IGEPmodalID'); if (empty($idModal) || $idModal == 'WM') { $idModal = 'WM_'.$claseManejadora; } $panelRetorno = $actionForward->get('IGEPpanelRetorno'); //$idModal = 'Modal'; $params = array ( 'path'=>rawUrlEncode($path), 'context' => array( 'targetType' => 'JDialog', 'action' => 'gvHidraCloseJDialog', 'returnPath' => $returnPath, 'idVentana' => $idModal, 'panelRetorno' => $panelRetorno, 'script' => "$jsLoadScript" ) ); $response = json_encode($params, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); print($response);die; break; case 'gvHidraCloseApp': case 'IgepSaltoVentana': $params = array ( 'path'=>rawUrlEncode($path), 'context' => array( 'targetType'=>'self' ) ); $response = json_encode($params, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); print($response);die; break; case 'gvHidraOpenApp': case 'gvHidraPrincipal': case 'gvHidraHeader': header($salto); break; case 'gvHidraLoad': $params = array ( 'path'=>rawUrlEncode($path), 'context' => array( 'targetType' => 'self', 'action' => 'salto' ) ); $response = json_encode($params, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); print($response);die; break; default: $params = array ( 'path'=>rawUrlEncode($path), 'context' => array( 'targetType'=>'self' ) ); $response = json_encode($params, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); print($response);die; break; } } else { //Cuando entramos desde la entrada de menu header($salto); } } // Fin de _processForward } //End ActionController